In May 2020 I was asked by Elizabeth Harper, who runs a membership for intuitive and spiritual people, whether I would be willing to talk about Rahanni Celestial Healing with the members of the group, and perform a group healing to those who could attend. The membership group, Intuitive Soul Circle, is a Global group - Elizabeth is based in USA herself and members are in Australia, Europe, USA, Canada..... so the session was performed via video call.
This was the first time I had performed a healing for a group - there were around 25 people on the call - although I had done 1 to 1 healings and readings via video call before. The feedback that people on the call gave me showed beyond doubt that group healings were very effective. One lady in USA, who I didn't know personally in the group, messaged me the following day saying: Tracy-Thank you so much for leading the Healing today. It was amazing. I felt like Elizabeth said, I felt cleaned afterwards. I was trying to watch on my phone today & the Zoom had a glitch. I could hear you all & see my ceiling on my screen, but it tried to load the whole time so I couldn’t see any of you or get into the Chat. I just really wanted to tell you that I loved it and am so appreciative. I have never heard of this modality before. I had a very cool/odd experience which we never know how these things work w/the spirit realm. I feel like I cleared a pain I have been carrying in my back for at least a couple of years. I guess I have to say it was sort of a figurative experience, but I feel like I coughed up the pain. Not sure exactly what happened since I didn’t cough, but something happened & my back felt much better. Anyway, I just felt like I should reach and tell you how wonderful this experience was. Thank you again! ❤️🌟
When I contacted her 17 days later to ask how her back was, and whether I could use her experience on my social media, she replied: Not a problem at all. Use it. I am going for a massage tomorrow and hoping she can massage the rest out. Blessings to you on this. ❤️🌟
Since September 2020 I have been doing a monthly healing circle in the group after Elizabeth asked if I would be willing to do so. I feel so honoured that she is trusting me to bring her members this wonderful healing modality. It has proved very popular and successful, with great feedback and members noticing the changes month by month, and how their body recognises it is healing time and their body relaxing into the energy to accept what it needs at the time.
Due to it's success I decided to launch group healings as one of my services. It is suitable for any group of people who would like to enjoy a relaxing hour session receiving healing, feedback from what has come up and at the end I draw a card from one of my decks and will record a special meditation to send for the group to use and keep. It is a very cost effective way to receive Rahanni healing energy too.... Starting at £40 for up to 4 people, it is then only £10 per person to join.
So if you are a company with a Wellbeing Scheme for your staff, a business park who run wellness days, a group of friends.... or any other group who would like to have a session via Zoom from the comfort of your own home/environment please get in contact to find out more. I have many reviews/feedback from those who have regularly joined in the group sessions giving their experiences.